September 1, 2010


Waking up to this view is....
 ... happiness. Don't you agree...?

August 30, 2010

I ♥ LA

I'm sorry friends that I haven't kept in touch lately. Life has been quite hectic settling in in lalaland... Remember the wedding I said I was coming back for? -WOW, it was fantastic. It was definitely the first wedding that I had been to that didn't have wine on the table. Instead there was two bottles of Grey Goose, one Hennessy and one Patron. Yeah, I'm sure you have an idea of how that night ended...

Love, love, love Betsey Johnson.
My little brother made it out here too ♥
Trouble makers.. 
The crew
Kodak moment at the ceremony

The food was amazing... 
The beautiful newly weds ♥

August 9, 2010

Rhodes Art

A dear friend of mine, artist Dave Rhodes, is blowing up!  He has SO MUCH going on with his art right now.  I say Yay! for friends that make it! His latest thing is shoes. He has teamed up with Keds to put his amazing art on their shoes;
Congrats to your success Dave! :)

August 5, 2010

I'm back!

With a new set of lips... ;)

Cheers :)

July 15, 2010

Road trippin'

I'm out and about on the roads of Sweden probably going to head over to Finland at some point. I will keep you updated on my whereabouts and escapades when I have access to the internet...  Below is a pic of my last destination. Not too shabby ;)

July 11, 2010

Viva Espana!

The last game in the FIFA world cup is today, Holland vs Spain! Maybe after today I can cut out all the alcohol and focus on working out, that would probably be help me loose those extra pounds...
But until then; Cheers friends ♥

July 10, 2010

Sneak peak

Here's a little sneak peak of what you may see in Jimon magazine in September..

July 9, 2010

I like..

drinking a Coke when the bottle has been dressed by Manolo Blahnik. Thank you for making my Coca Cola light look fashionable.

Cheers Mr Blahnik

July 8, 2010

The One and Only Kate

I'm a big fan of Kate Moss, not only is she beautiful, I love everything about her. She's a true icon.  
There's an amazing photo exhibit of her right now in London by Mario Testino at Phillips de Pury & Company,, called Kate Who. I would love to go there to see it but it doesn't look like I'll be passing by London anytime soon.

Back to Borås, it's about time to make lunch. As I'm trying to figure out what to eat I think of when Kate said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". I'll stick to the salad, I have a few extra pounds that I need to get rid of anyway. 

I NEED that blue shirt

On my I-pod

July 7, 2010

Good genes?

People ask me how I maintain such healthy looking skin. Especially with my lifestyle.. Hahaha ;) Well, I wash my face with regular soap and water, I use a cheap toner and moisturizer such as L'oreal, I barely use sunscreen, only on my nose and chest,  I don't stay out of the sun and I have never had a facial done.  I do use Botox, but that doesn't make your skin look healthy. So I guess my answer to that would be: Lucky?
I spend my lazy daisy summer days pretty much right here; my parents backyard. Cheers ♥

Jimon Magazine no2

My friend is working on his second issue of his phenomenal magazine! You can spot his mag all over the place; London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles.. Check it out here
I love it when friends of mine are successful, it makes me happy :) Jealous people kan kiss my a$$!
Read a review of the magazine here:
 Congrats to an awesome job Jimon!  

July 5, 2010

Just another day..

Breakfast... I had a little 4th of July celebration of my own, to get back up on my feet, lot's of coffee, motrin, a banana and some blogging to start the the day properly. Bye bye hangover city, good morning Sweden!

After breakfast we went shopping, got my little these dresses, cute huh? :)

July 4, 2010

Happy Euro Ending

My Euro trip is soon coming to an end! I have mixed feelings about the whole thing, but once I land in the City of Angels, I know I'll be thrilled. I have enjoyed the slow family oriented lifestyle over here in beautiful and amazing Sweden, but I can't deny that I'm itching to get back to the glamourous lifestyle I so enjoy in lalaland..; LA traffic, the fresh air, the big city noise, the worthless wireless coverage, Sunday mimosa brunches, the beaches, the sun, the pools, the people, the parties, the MEN.. Ok fine, yeah, I can't wait to get back over there.
I have a wedding to attend for a lawyer and his 21 year old bride-to-be in Beverly Hills in August, so I figure I need to be back two weeks before that??  Definitely don't want to be jet lagged at a party like that! So, I have about a month, maybe a little more.
In the mean time, here's my impossible to do list before I get on that plane:
Get my hair done
Travel to Finland
Travel to France
Travel to Portugal

Home Sweet Home 

Happy 4th of July!!!

4th of July, my favorite beach party of the year... Kind of wish I was there... But hey, I'm not, so CHEERS to all my fellow angels in lala-land and the rest of the US, hope you have an AWESOME fun day in the sun day!

FAce OfF

Oh my oh my oh my!!! My FACE is falling apart!  LOL.  Not really, but I can again see those fine lines that I dread so much. If you're brutally vain, WHO wouldn't fight father (or mother) time?? Seriously! Calling City laser right this second. Fyi, I have never found a better doc, not even in LA. This woman is superb. Not only does it last longer, it looks better too and, ssschhhh, don't tell anyone.. it's cheaper too.. OUCH....!!!

July 3, 2010

Sucker for Soccer

Today we're probably going to be watching the best game in the world cup; Argentina vs Germany! Goooo Argentina!!! Three more hours to go, until then, I'll be doing just this:


June 30, 2010


Sitting in Stockholm, lunching with a bottle of wine, of course, and simply people watching.  What are the chances you are sitting next to people from Los Angeles?  (The style in Stureplan is unparalled by the way!)  I agreed to bet my friend, hoping that the people next to us were not from the US...

 Obviously, I lost!... Are you a child of the 80's? Yeah Yeah, he's not an original member of KIZZ, but I still should have known.  I asked where my friend, the one and only Gene Simmons was (another possible BBD??), but he was sleeping in his hotel room.  Too much partying I suppose? LOL
They gave me free tickets for their show that weekend, and I wish I could have stayed in Stockholm a lil longer, I definitely would have checked out the show!   

The Bigger, Better, Deal.

The BBD my fellow travellers, is something you NEED to know. This is something I will mention quite a bit. It doesn't matter whether it's a purse, shoes, clothes, food, a party, A MAN, there is always a BBD.  Every woman should always be looking for a Bigger, Better, Deal.  Here is what I mean..

Is it really bad to be a slave for the BBD?  Well, it's a fact that it will get you ANYTHING you want if played properly.  So what do you think?  It's brutal.  But fun as hell!  And, if you are a slave to fashion, and vanity, totally worth it!!  I enjoy chasing it.  Not sure what it is that I'm chasing, other than a purse, shoes, clothes, food, a party...  But it's definitely not a job!  It may take some work, but it is always a lot of fun!  LMAO. Well, I'll get back to you when I figure out what it is that I'm ACTUALLY looking for. I'm starting to believe this is why my theme song goes something like, in the immortal words of Mick Jagger (the ultimate BBD), this...: ❝I can't get no, SATISFACTION..❞

But I must add, my little princess makes me smile like no other. There really is no Bigger, Better, Deal than that.

June 29, 2010

Lazy Daisy Summer Days..

I haven't been keeping in touch with you lately. These lovely summer days take up all my precious time. A new day, a new lake. Cheers... :)

June 10, 2010

Louis Vuitton

I simply couldn't resist. Got a little key chain to go with it... How cute is this....? 

Pontus by the Sea/Timo Raisanen

Pontus by the Sea, definitely one of my favorite spots in Stockholm. A nice place, right by the water with a wonderful view of the city, and the food is just YUM! I had lobster, crab, oysters and veal. Topped it off with a nice bottle of Rose. The perfect summer wine.

I also ran into Timo Raisanen there, an up and coming rockstar over here in little Sweden. Such a nice guy! About an hour later, he played a concert for Swedish Independence Day and was really good, rocked the stage like no other! Absolutely going to get his new album The Anatomy of Timo Raisanen. So should you! ;)


June 9, 2010

High School Partying the Swedish Way

The high school graduations are in full swing over here in Sweden. We have this crazy tradition that after graduation you pile into a truck or car loaded with beer and champagne and go on a ride through town, for hours and hours. But, it seems to me this tradition has gotten a little out of hand in the last few years.. When I graduated, sure I drank champagne on the truck but check out these pictures...

Crowds/parents gathering in downtown Stockholm to watch and cheer their kids into their new adult life...

Ride no 1...

Ride no 2...

Ride no 3...

Ride no 4...

Ride no 5...


It was NOT raining in Sweden on this day! The entire city of Stockholm stunk of beer. EW. But hey, their parents must be proud! Congrats kids, you made it through High School. See you in Hangover City! Cheers!