July 4, 2010

Happy Euro Ending

My Euro trip is soon coming to an end! I have mixed feelings about the whole thing, but once I land in the City of Angels, I know I'll be thrilled. I have enjoyed the slow family oriented lifestyle over here in beautiful and amazing Sweden, but I can't deny that I'm itching to get back to the glamourous lifestyle I so enjoy in lalaland..; LA traffic, the fresh air, the big city noise, the worthless wireless coverage, Sunday mimosa brunches, the beaches, the sun, the pools, the people, the parties, the MEN.. Ok fine, yeah, I can't wait to get back over there.
I have a wedding to attend for a lawyer and his 21 year old bride-to-be in Beverly Hills in August, so I figure I need to be back two weeks before that??  Definitely don't want to be jet lagged at a party like that! So, I have about a month, maybe a little more.
In the mean time, here's my impossible to do list before I get on that plane:
Get my hair done
Travel to Finland
Travel to France
Travel to Portugal

Home Sweet Home 

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