June 30, 2010

The Bigger, Better, Deal.

The BBD my fellow travellers, is something you NEED to know. This is something I will mention quite a bit. It doesn't matter whether it's a purse, shoes, clothes, food, a party, A MAN, there is always a BBD.  Every woman should always be looking for a Bigger, Better, Deal.  Here is what I mean..

Is it really bad to be a slave for the BBD?  Well, it's a fact that it will get you ANYTHING you want if played properly.  So what do you think?  It's brutal.  But fun as hell!  And, if you are a slave to fashion, and vanity, totally worth it!!  I enjoy chasing it.  Not sure what it is that I'm chasing, other than a purse, shoes, clothes, food, a party...  But it's definitely not a job!  It may take some work, but it is always a lot of fun!  LMAO. Well, I'll get back to you when I figure out what it is that I'm ACTUALLY looking for. I'm starting to believe this is why my theme song goes something like, in the immortal words of Mick Jagger (the ultimate BBD), this...: ❝I can't get no, SATISFACTION..❞

But I must add, my little princess makes me smile like no other. There really is no Bigger, Better, Deal than that.

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