May 31, 2010

I made it!!!!

My friends.., Copenhagen is AWESOME! I can't believe I don't come here more often... More to come... But for now, sleep well....

May 30, 2010

Off I go!

Again, I'm packing my bags! Yeah! I decided to spice up my life and head down to Copenhagen and Malmo for a couple of days! 
See u there ;)

Millionaire babe?

It was just brought to my attention that there actually ARE websites for women to meet rich men! I mean REALLY??? I could not believe it, they might as well call it LOL I found this so hilarious that strictly for research purposes I decided to sign up with one. Seriously, wouldn't you?! Stay tuned, can't wait to see how this evolves. Meeting place for the rich and the gorgeous, never heard anything as funny. You should see the photo I put up, this chick is going to get a lot of hits. Funny stuff if you ask me....

May 24, 2010

Gooood morning!

I woke up super early today and could not fall back asleep. Instead I grabbed my mac, checked my email and there it was... Invite to MTVAwards in September! There is only one word for that... YEAH!!!! Who doesn't want to go? Another awesome party coming up! Stay tuned.. ;)
Running shoes on, here we go!

The little white

This summer the little white is the little black. I'm head over heals for all the white dresses I've stumbled upon so far! Knowing me I'll be adding quite a few to my closet.. Hehehe.. I'll try to keep it down to two, or three or four or five or...
This dress from Acne is so cute and so right. Yes? No? I should get it, yes?

Mothers day coming up!

The day to celebrate moms is coming up in Sweden! I'm a single mom myself and loving every second of it! It doesn't stop me from doing anything! Of course all the love and support from my family, friends and her dad makes it a ton easier. It can be pretty hard to juggle sometimes, but we're good at it. Princess is full of laughter so I know that she is happy :) Cheers to all you wonderful moms out there, you are doing a GREAT job! 


May 23, 2010

Laisy Daisy Sunday

I had a great time yesterday with my friends. BBQ, wine and sunshine. Life is gooood ♥ But I have to admit that I'm starting to get bored and restless.... There really is not much going on here and if I'm going to stay on this side of the world until August, I'm gonna have to plan in some action! St Tropez is coming up in the next few weeks but until then? Maybe I should take a day trip to Stockholm to spice up my life a little. 

Here are a few pics of how my weekend was so far. A little different from the glamorous LA life :)

 I heart my Juicy Couture sweats. Comfy and perfect for baby sitting.. 

May 21, 2010

I gotta a feeling...

...tonights gonna be a good night! Have a nice weekend friends! 
♥Cheers! ♥

My shopping treasure spots

Someone asked me where I prefer to shop. Well, I believe that every city has it's own treasures. To list my favourite spots in places I recently visited I'd go with Notting Hill with Portobello market in London. Not only are the stores phenomenal, but the area itself is pretty pleasant to walk around in.

In stockholm, I love strolling around in the PUB mall. Take my word for it, it's filled with treasures! I have another Stockholm trip coming up pretty soon and that's where I'll be strolling around looking for new additions for my closet ;)

LA, my other home, also has a lot of treasures. Where do I even begin? But to narrow it down, I'd check out Resurrection Vintage ( on melrose. If you want to visit a generic shopping mall I'd go with the Beverly Center. Not the most pleasant one, but it definitely has pretty much everything under one roof.

Future fashionista?

This is my awesome little friend, aka partner in crime who will accompany me around town today :)) Don't you just loooove the Louis Vuitton mini purse....? :)

May 20, 2010

Ted Baker

After summer fun already stacking up... :

Ted Baker invites you to his exclusive Fall fashion shopping event in Beverly Hills.

Complimentary bar hosted by Bombay Sapphire.

A privilege 20% discount off the new Fall collection 

Music by the E.C Twins.

RSVP- heck YEAH! Loves me some Ted Baker! :)

May 19, 2010

Kick start your day!

YEAH! I feel GREAT!!! I kicked off this morning with 60 minutes on my cross trainer! What a FAB way to start your day! All I need is my I-pod, good tunes, water, cross trainer and training shoes! Absolutely loving life! ♥♥♥

Shoes are made for walking

I was cleaning up and organizing my things today and I came to the realization that I currently have 14 pairs of shoes in Sweden. I better slow down on the shoe shopping or I'm going to have to leave some behind once I head out to LA...
I found and bought the nude pumps! ;)

My Tory Burch are a definite favorite for walking around town

May 18, 2010

Shop online

It's finally getting a little warmer on this side of the world so I need to add a pair of sweet denim shorts to my closet. There are endless types and colors to scroll through. But I think I might go with these from ;

I ♥ Botox

Here's proof to all you skeptics that think that Botox deletes all your facial expressions. I never said I wasn't vain.. Don't take it too seriously friends, it's on me ;)

Sunshine and Dior

The sun is shining and summer is in the air! Yeah! Soon I can deck my feet with these babies that I recently got at Bloomingdales...!

May 17, 2010

Leave Lindsay alone...

...cuz we don't want to read about her mishaps anyway. I mean, really? Is it surprising that we get headlines that she can't walk out of a club in cannes without falling over? Suuurpriiiiiseee, Lindsay is in jail. Thank god, maybe she'll actually survive. Next.

Just another day

Today was just another great mellow day in Sweden. Not so much going over here but I am so happy I get to spend time with my family. Today I spent the day with my little brother. He's the best! Below are some pictures from our day. We spent A LOT of time outdoors. You see, I'm on a mission. A mission to look good in my bathing suit by the time I leave for the riviera.. Wish me luck... :-/

I ended my day on the couch.. Mmmm, what a nice day. I love my life ♥

St Tropez trip in the works.....!

I have finally started to plan my St Tropez trip. I can not wait, this is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The sun, the sand, the boats, the people, the restaurants, the nightlife, and not to talk about the wine.. I am sooo excited to finally be on my way there soon!!! 

May 16, 2010

Rainy day relaxing

A rainy day like this is perfect for relaxing. I've decided to stay in my pj's and just read and write. I'm going to make myself a nice cup of tea, grab a blanket and get comfortable on the couch. I do miss the company of my two four legged friends though. Happy Sunday friends. Stay warm :)

Rainy summer days

Since it's still raining I'm going to stay with that theme. I have my polka dot umbrella and rubber boots, I think the next thing on my list will be a raincoat. Maybe one of these to bring a little colour to the grey weather:

Kelly Osbourne's got it down.

May 15, 2010

After rain comes sunshine

Visiting Scandinavia you have to be prepared for weather changes. Make it fashionably fun! My umbrella is made by K.bold, my coat Jenny Hellstrom (one of my very favorite designers in Scandinavia, rubber boots are Viking, purse, Marc Jacobs.

Barton Perreira

I love my Bartons. 

Two of the many celebs that sport the luxurious Bartons.

May 14, 2010

Shoes shoes shoes, more shoes!

Is it possible to be a shoeholic? If there would be such a thing, I would fit in that category. Like a lot of women, I have a major passion for shoes! Next on my list to buy (if I can find them) are nude pumps. Hot with a dress, jeans or denim shorts topped with a casual white button down. Don't forget the sun hat! Perfect for summer of 2010! Wish me luck in my search for these:

Party at the Playboy Mansion

A highlight of my past, party at the notorious Playboy Mansion. Was it fun? You be the judge...

Morning after mimosas, can't beat the feeling!