August 30, 2010

I ♥ LA

I'm sorry friends that I haven't kept in touch lately. Life has been quite hectic settling in in lalaland... Remember the wedding I said I was coming back for? -WOW, it was fantastic. It was definitely the first wedding that I had been to that didn't have wine on the table. Instead there was two bottles of Grey Goose, one Hennessy and one Patron. Yeah, I'm sure you have an idea of how that night ended...

Love, love, love Betsey Johnson.
My little brother made it out here too ♥
Trouble makers.. 
The crew
Kodak moment at the ceremony

The food was amazing... 
The beautiful newly weds ♥

August 9, 2010

Rhodes Art

A dear friend of mine, artist Dave Rhodes, is blowing up!  He has SO MUCH going on with his art right now.  I say Yay! for friends that make it! His latest thing is shoes. He has teamed up with Keds to put his amazing art on their shoes;
Congrats to your success Dave! :)

August 5, 2010

I'm back!

With a new set of lips... ;)

Cheers :)